Beeter’s 22 Birfday

[What better picture to epitomize US. Outrageous faces, double chins, and an equally ridonkulous laugh to boot. Myyyy Beeterr.]

Twas a wonderful birthday weekend celebration… Miss Jennifer Galley, aka U of T’s Hart House Ambassador/Blogger/Feminist/Passionate socially conscious Activist, celebrated her 22nd year of Life and Love a few weeks ago. Let’s just say that celebrations included delicious indian cuisine, surprise breakfast-on-the-go, a morning date at Green Goddess Spa, and then pure belligerence with 20 brown men and bottle service, Char illegally driving a car with her expired Learners from BC, and then an entire day of nursing the two Beetles hung over out of their minds. Too many hilarious memories were made that weekend, but all I can say is that there just never seems to be enough of what we can do to truly celebrate the life of someone we love with all our hearts! It’s moments like these when I wish I had a fat bank account and could drop crazy amounts of coin just to plan the awesomest birthdays ever. (One day.)

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Lovehard x Supreme Team Productions

[On the set of “House Party”]

This past week I had to shoot my 2.5 minute solo production where I had to write, storyboard, block, and produce my own script. I never really took in how much we’ve actually been learning in Intermediate EFP this past semester. The great thing about RTA is that from day one were we all thrown right into it, getting handed off our own camera and equipment to play with… I can’t wait for next year to take Advanced EFP! Bigger and badder productions, baby. Stay tuned for the finished piece… you might recognize a few familiar faces;)

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Lovehard presents: Beetle Jenn

I’d like to officially introduce you to Miss Beetle Jenn, my other counterpart, sister, soul mate, room mate, best friend, wing man fo lyyyfe. If you saw my post last Thursday officially inducting Beetle Brit as a contributor for Lovehard, I made mention of Jenn having her turn up to bat this week. I love Beetle Jenn’s artistry because there is so much potential for development and mastering her craft, just from sharing her heart to the world. Her raw ability to write with conviction, write with truth, and find resolve, peace, understanding through her own scribblings on a page is something that I respect so much. It’s difficult for people to truly articulate their emotions, express themselves, just through words. That’s why so many different kinds of artists exist… we find every medium possible to free ourselves… And in that way, the simplicity of our native tongue and formulating sentences, intonation, emphasis and choosing that one word out of a kajillion in the dictionary to describe our feelings and thoughts, is an art form in itself. This is something that Jenn does so extremely well, and you’d know this if you’ve ever had a conversation with her. Passion reigns through her voice.

With all that being said, Beetle Jenn will contribute a piece from her personal journal of writings, every other week. This is a big deal for her as it was a big deal for Brit to share her raw experiments with film, because it’s… putting your whole heart out there. =) I LOVE IT!!!

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