A statement, no, a command, that was once given to me by a mentor of mine; it’s something I’ve passed down to people I’ve goal coached or led goal setting workshops for — “Go BALLS OUT with your vision for your life.” There is no shame but only pure and utter boldness to really think and dream that big. I have to remind myself this over and over again when I become afraid to think of what some would consider is the impossible.

I’ve been taking a business entrepreneurship class as my elective this semester, and let me tell you, it is blowing my braaaiins with inspiration of new ideas. I’ve expressed this in previous posts, my questioning of what this all really is, and the build up has led to this — What IS Lovehard? What will it become? Where does it have the potential to go? Who and what do I need in order to get there? This vision will become bigger than I can even imagine right now.

A business plan is well on it’s way to completion as the final product of this course. My hopes is that this business plan will outline the vision of Lovehard and will garner the support and involvement of inspired, self-motivated, stupid passionate, creative and innovative individuals who will be part of this collective. I’m just going to tell the Universe right now… this sh*t will be bananas.


I’ve spoken my piece. Peace!


Untitled thought #35

— Yes, I am alive. MANIFESTO is done and I am beyond fatigued. Soon, soon, shall I post pictures/footage of my moments with Ernie Paniciolli, hanging out with Crazy Legs of Rock Steady Crew, et al. Hang tight, Lemme catch up on a few Zzzzz’s first…

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Untitled thought #34

— in full swing of MANIFESTO craziness. Tuesday was the Main Ingredient with performances by Ania Soul, Everything That’s Fly and Slackah the Beatchild. Yesterday was our annual FILM FEST with Toronto premiere screening of Bouncing Cats, along with Invisible City… and tonight: MADE YOU LOOK massive art show at 99 Sudbury. If you haven’t reached yet, whaaat’s the matta with you??


Craziness x Kajillion

[Still shots: MC Fubb at The Cypher]

This week has been stupid busy. I’m usually busy, but this is like one of those kinds of busy where I have scheduled every hour of the day. Between classes and homeworking, I’ve been gigging every single night since Wednesday. It’s amazing! I can’t be more thankful for all this work coming in. Keeeeppp itt commminnnnn’!

A quick re-cap:

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Untitled thought #33

— can’t stop, won’t stop..


Untitled thought #32

— You either get it or you don’t. I ain’t tryin’ to convince anyone otherwise. On to the next-on, on to the next one…


Don’t Sleep, MANIFESTO is comin.

Bilal‘s ‘1st Born Second‘ is on iTunes repeat… so is Jean Grae, and Rich Kidd‘s ‘We On Some Rich Kidd Shiiiiit’ Volume 4.  My agenda is highlighted five times over, BRIGHT yellow, from Sept 20th straight through to September 26th. To all those hollering for chillages, meetings, this, that and what not… You shall get the repeated and automated response of, “NOPE. CAN’T… It’s MANIFESTO.”

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Untitled thought #31

— It’s stupid how much I love school. I’m preeettty sure these are some of the best days of my life. Higher education, folks. When post-secondary is done right, it has the ability to transform your mind in ways you never thought possible. MAKE YOUR MARK. TELL THE WORLD THAT YOU EXIST.


50th Annual Parade N’ Picnic

I don’t understand why some Rye High kids don’t take advantage of basically a freebie day to skip classes, tromp through Yonge Street makin’ a hoot and a holla, jump aboard a dinky ferry to the secluded Toronto Island for a free concert, FREE BBQ (Halal burgers on point, homie), and participate in an afternoon of beer gardens and nature wandering… I shall look forward to this event every year. Without a doubt, out of the three acts, Shad killed it… So happy he was on our line up!

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So Fresh and Froshy.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaannn it’s been a minute. Jeesh! Sorry, guys. You don’t understand the heap of crap I was under this past week in terms of organizing myself with la escuela, swapping classes, lining up everyday for 45 minutes in the OSAP line, cleaning my pig sty of a room/creative space, not to mention tons of ORIENTATION and Week of Welcome events to boot… needless to say, it’s been nutty. I’m happy to say that I feel like I’ve gotten a grasp of things now, and can build a more consistent work flow.

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