DJ Royale

// Year: 2005

An identity for Toronto based 'Youngest Rookie in Charge', DJ Royale.

DJ Royale was in need of an identity and asked Committee Design to develop the look.

We opted for a really clean, yet strong script to make it all happen.

More info about DJ Royale


Crash The Party Series

// Year: 2006 - 2008

After designing Royale's identity, we were also brought on board to handle the art direction for his highly regarded mixtape series, 'Crash The Party'.

While we knew we would eventually want each cover to have a distinct colorway as the series progressed, it wasn't until after the first release that the covers started taking on themes.

- A Michael Jordan sneaker colorway graced Pt. 2
- A reference to our Black Rap family's 'Must Stay Paid' t-shirts on Pt. 3
- Regal colors on Young & Arrogant Pt. 4 playing on his DJ name - Royale


This Is My House!

// Year: 2009

A cd cover for a one-off (originally unreleased) House music cd entitled 'This Is My House!'.

We sat on this one for a couple years. After developing a crew called Grand Groove with a blog to go along with it, we finally decided that this should see the light of day.

I wanted to stray away from the design of 'Crash The Party' on this one.

Straight text, and straightforward design to compliment it.


From Boo Boo To The Boardroom

// Year: 2009

A cd cover for a 50 Cent tribute mixtape, 'From Boo Boo To The Boardroom'

When Royale pitched the idea of this 50 Cent tribute mixtape to me, I immediately knew what I wanted the project to look like - show his progression from his roots in Southside Jamaica Queens, to one of the smartest businessmen in Hip-Hop to date.

Quarter Waters to Vitamin Water.

Flipping a case file for the visuals, I feel that this brought that idea to life very well.


Play It Loud! Thursdays

// Year: 2010

A promotional flyer for DJ Royale's new Thursday night weekly residency, 'Play It Loud! Thursdays'

Notaurious got in contact with me to design a flyer for Royale's new Thursday night, 'Play It Loud!' but left the visuals to my descretion.

A few months prior, Royale had a photoshoot with Bezel Photography and this one particular shot stood out.

From there, shot an email off to Bezel, got the photo, threw in some eye catching colors, and the end product is one that I'm very pleased with.



// Year: 2011

Artwork for DJ Royale's 'Breathe' mixtape.

Royale and myself have been talking about doing something like this for a minute, and this was the perfect opportunity to put words into action.

With my long time interest in the art of Photography and the decision to invest in a camera of my own, we decided to go a step further in our process by shooting the images this time around.

We decided to keep the main visuals on this one dark, but threw in a bright red to offset to muted palette.

Definitely a learning process for myself on the Photography side here, and one that I think paid off.

This is one project that we're both very excited about.


Steppin' Out Series

// Year: 2011 - 2013

Artwork for DJ Mensa & DJ Royale's 'Quintesstial Pre-Party Mix' cd series, 'Steppin Out'.

The premise of this set of mix cd's is that it captures that vibe during a DJ's opening set - think 10:30-11:30 on a Friday night, the time when you would hear the DJ warm up and break those new records that were given out on 12" promo vinyl to select DJ's, or those songs that you heard on some mixtape you had to dub from a friend of a friend in order to even hear the tune. This is the 90's before everything was easily accessible.

I wanted to capture that feeling of hearing those classic 90's mixtapes and not knowing who or what artist I was listening to. Even to this day, I get that feeling from hearing an old Ron G. mix.


Lex Luger: The Total Package

// Year: 2011

Artwork for DJ Royale's tribute to 1017 Brick Squad's leading producer, Lex Luger.

With a name like Lex Luger, it's hard not to think of one of Professional Wrestling's greatest athletes, and that was the exact idea behind the design of this cover. Because people often thought of the three-time world champion whenever the name was mentioned, Royale thought it would be amusing to incorporate some of Lex Luger's greatest on-air moments into the mix.

I distinctly remembered seeing WWF magazines in stores as a kid, and thought it would be great to flip our cover like one of those.



// Year: 2012

Artwork for DJ Royale's 'Refill' mixtape.

On more than one occasion after a night of DJ'ing, 7-Eleven was a go-to destination for DJ Royale, and with that in mind the idea behind this cover design was a no-brainer.

I took the recognizable Big Gulp logo and flipped that along with the 7-Eleven logo for the visuals on this one.