[the g-ride]

After cuttin’ it close with finishing up a video for class and then booking it to pack quickly and hop on the subway to the airport, I was greeted at YYZ by my sissy Brit, who got me to my flight as quickly as possible. I’m getting pretty good at packing quicktime, I must say. With only 4 hours of sleep under my belt, zonking out on the 4.5 hour plane ride came to no surprise. I am notorious for being able to fall asleep anywhere, just one of the many perks of being a small human.

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#LOVEHARDTOUR : It all started because…

[Rev up the engines. It’s go-time.]

It all started because my roommate, soulmate, sister, best friend Brit Sirianni (of April Management/First Lady of DSTRY) made mer her WestJet companion… meaning… I get to fly literally, for the cost of pennies. It’s incredible! More than it being about me being able to fly to my hometown Vancity and say whattup to my folks whenever I want… I wanted to do something very special with the opportunity. Thus, being in the development stages of a new project that will soon be released and that I’ll be working on all throughout the summer.

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#LOVEHARDTOUR : The Prologue before The Prologue

[Headed for the vanishing point.]

Before I even begin to set the stage for what I experienced during my past reading break where I flew across Canada for what I was mad hashtagging as the “#LOVEHARDTOUR” — I need to fill you in on what has inspired this post. Simply put, I don’t share anymore. I just had this long awesome parlay session with one of my dearest friends (who worked with me as one of Manifesto’s Doc Team Directors this year), Jon Riera, about how us doing our art as our main source of income, has made us forget why we fell in love with it.

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Fresh Format Reunion

And they say Ottawa isn’t poppin’… truth is, behind the strip malls of commercially driven establishments, as far as the eye can see, lies small gems of passionate independence. Places like Flavor Factory, a new dance studio space and the only studio space of it’s kind, geared towards street dance and supporting events within that community. I found myself hanging out there last Saturday night, in lieu of the momentous reunion of the Fresh Format bboy crew, who all reached down from Montreal, Ottawa, and even as far as from out west in Alberta.

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Magical Kingdom Weekend

[Kit Knows giving Summer a final farewell]

I just came back from one of the most incredible weekends I’ve had in a really long time. After hearing about ‘Cottage this, Cottage that‘ for the last 3 years of living here, I finally got the opportunity to experience what all the hype is about. Honestly… for all my Non-Ontarians who are reading this, one thing you must understand about Toronto… EVERYONE participates in this favorite past time known as COTTAGING.

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VANCITY: 1851, Dun Kno

[Vancity emcee extraordinaire — SonReal]

“Chaaaarrrrr-babyyy!” I heard a man’s voice call out from around the side of the house. “We’re over here!” I stepped down from the stairs leading to the front entrance of the house and made my way over to the familiar voices I had only ever heard in Toronto. It had been not even a few months ago when I had last seen Bizzy and SonReal when they were in Toronto for the DJ Stylus Awards. Originally from Vernon, BC, now living in Vancouver, I had never seen these two guys in my hometown — our interactions have always been over in the east.

As I followed the pied piper’s beckoning towards the back yard gate, I was soon ambushed with hugs and huge welcomes to 1851 — their home and headquarters for all things creative and talented.

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[3 dAyZ apart, Tan-tan]

“Man, Char,  if you and I ever dated… think about it, our relationship would be EPIC!” This seemed to be an ongoing joke between the both of us for the last decade. Born three days apart, since childhood, our friends have always made the prediction that one day we would get married. The truth to this suggestion is that as quickly as we’d get married, we would kill each other, or if we felt like being nice, get a lovely little divorce. Maybe even throw a party for the separation.

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VANCITY: Fabulous is an Understatement

“Take our picture!!!” He squealed as he adjusted his sunglasses and put his hand on the small of Nesa’s back. Richie, in his grey blazer, crisp white button up and signature red dixie cup, rolled his eyes in obviousness at my comment that “Hey! You and Ness are matching!” “Duh!” He retorted, “We do this every year!!”

But of Course.

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VANCITY: The Ultimate (Re)Union

Standing up with hands sweatily clenched onto my camera, I arose in unison with everyone in the sanctuary anxiously waiting for the grand entrance of the Bride-to-Be. I barely caught a glimpse of her before my eyes started to well up with joyful tears, as I also heard my childhood best friend, Nathan, behind me whisper, “Oh my god, I’m totally gunna cry… Jess is so beautiful.”

I looked back towards the groom standing with hands held in front of him, leading the line of groomsmen all of whom I once knew as boys, now have become men. It was the happiest I had ever seen Anthony… and trust me, I have seen many sides of this human. From a taunting chubby bully, to the days of bubble tea runs and driving around his mother’s white volvo, this was a whole other Anthony I was experiencing; the Man grown up and ready to spend the rest of his life with his Woman.

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West Coast Chiiiillll.

I shall keep this short and simple: The East Coast mentality simply doesn’t work out here. Very quickly has VanCity’s illin’ chillin’ vibe overcome me… Toronto says, ‘Don’t get Lazy’ and VanCity says, ‘Bro, you need to relax.’ The only way to go about this?

Go with the Flow. When the opportunity arises and inspiration hits, don’t hesitate. Love the Love you’re in.

It has too been Too Wonderful being in my hometown, and I shall enjoy every minute of it while it lasts… stay tuned for full updates.


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