I woke up this morning receiving a message from a friend of mine telling me he dreamt of an earthquake, and woke up panicking. Normally I’d look at my phone and tell him to calm down and life’s all good… had it been just anybody. I was curious. I got up to find out about the earthquake tsunami hitting Japan today, and about the warnings for the West coast of the United States. Every month, multiple times a month, all year. Philippines. Haiti. Chile. Indonesia. India. And the list goes on. A total estimate of 250 000 fatalities in the year of 2010. This shouldn’t sound so dramatically eccentric, especially considering the advancements in technology and being able to detect earthquakes, measure them, and record their data. Our plates never stop shifting, this shouldn’t be anything new.
But it is phenomenal. The effects are devastating. And we are acting blind to the real implications here, heck, we’re playing ‘dumb-guy’ to a lot of things happening on our planet. There is a shift in human consciousness occurring, and if you’re not seeing this, then you need to see this now.
Everything is connected. The astronomical rates at which technology is advancing. The brainwashing society we live in for consumption, capitalism, our distraction with what we actually need is blinded by unnecessary wants. We aren’t taking care of ourselves. We eat genetically modified foods that contribute to the chances of us dying of cancer one day. We are ruled by Corporations which is the modern-day Church. Instead, we are handed beautiful things like iPads, Macs, cell phones, sweat-shopped made clothes, and we are so amused. So easily amused that we tune out what’s happening on the rest of this planet. Canada is negotiating a deal to give up our beautiful boreal forests in order to extract more oil, create sulfuric wastes, dead land, in order to feed into our ever-increasing consumption rates. Don’t you see? We’ve reached our peak of resources. We’ve BEEN declining. We can’t do anything but slow down the inevitable… which is us destroying ourselves.
As children of this earth, inhabitants of this planet, and an integral part of this Universe, what we do, what we say, what we think… does not affect just us. Our energies are of one source. We try and steal it from others, trying to temporarily empower ourselves and make others weak. A Power struggle. A Power greediness. Even straight down to the privatization of our water.
Don’t you get it? The Universe is responding. Who do we think we are, thinking we can dump waste into our water, and then try and charge our own people to drink it?? I say WE because WE all have a hand in this, WE all have a say, if we claim it. Not everything can be blamed on the bad guys, the Corporations, our Government, the people in power. We buy into this crap, we turn the blind eye, because our life is “good” and nothing has affected us directly… yet.
What do we do? I look at this and feel so overwhelmed, so disappointed in our people. Everything feels hopeless.
I think it begins with you, the individual. COME INTO CONSCIOUSNESS. Become aware. Help others become aware. Make conscious decisions. Make a drastic change in what you eat, who you buy your food from, where you buy your clothes from, how much you consume, how you take care of yourselves, what you read, what music you listen to, what you watch on TV, your laptops, how you take care of nature, our forests, our water, our Earth.
Like I said… a shift of human consciousness is occurring. The Universe is responding to how we’ve been sleeping, and that is simply, by shaking us up to awake.