Love Courageously.
Fear is not a friend, yet he lingers, hangs around, waits for an opportunity to leech onto anything great that’s about to happen and plots to sabotage it. All he needs is a foothold, all he needs is your ear to listen, all he needs is you to believe in the lie that Love is Not Abundant.
I hate when I make decisions influenced by Fear. I don’t feel like myself. I don’t feel Free. I feel so uncomfortably Safe, and worst of all, I am in denial of it. I am in denial of my own regret. Fear is not a friend, yet he’s always there. I can’t shake him off.
And then I remember that Courage is a Choice. In the presence of Fear, to choose to do what I’m most afraid of, is Courage. I feel so uncomfortably dangerous and unsure and excited and willing to take the chance to fall. Fall hard, Fall fast.
And then I remember that Strength and Wisdom is the fruit of Courage. I remember that I am much stronger than I think. I am much stronger than Fear tells me.
I do not want to be afraid of Who I Know I Am. I do not want to be afraid to Love the Way I Want to Love. Even if that means it’s not returned. Even if that means I am rejected.
I refuse to be selfish with This Love. Selfishness comes from poverty in the heart. True Starvation. Selfishness comes from the belief that Love is Not Abundant.
Because it Is. Love is Ever Abundant.
And I want to give it freely. I want to give it openly. I want to give it furiously.
I’m afraid You can’t handle it. But I don’t want that assumption to hold me back anymore.
I will Love with Abandon. I will Love in Abundance. I will Lovehard because there is no better, or more exhilarating, or more nerve wracking, or more Fulfilling… way to Love.
I’ve spoken my piece.