So Fresh and Froshy.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaannn it’s been a minute. Jeesh! Sorry, guys. You don’t understand the heap of crap I was under this past week in terms of organizing myself with la escuela, swapping classes, lining up everyday for 45 minutes in the OSAP line, cleaning my pig sty of a room/creative space, not to mention tons of ORIENTATION and Week of Welcome events to boot… needless to say, it’s been nutty. I’m happy to say that I feel like I’ve gotten a grasp of things now, and can build a more consistent work flow.

My classes are ridiculously awesome and I’m already so amped to get on my edumacational tip, but I’ll talk more about that in another post.

Many have been waiting for some coverage of Frosh and Week of Welcome. I’ve been busy reppin’ the Tri-Mentoring Program on campus, trying to recruit new mentors/mentees, as well as participating in the events set up by the O-Team and RSU. From Guiness World Records for largest beatbox ensemble, to outdoor block parties with Toronto’s homegrown talent, from puttin’ on the RTA Frosh leader pantalones, to stealing away to Toronto Island for some outdoor concert, free bbq and beer garden action… The first two weeks of school have been craaaaazzyyyy fun.

Stoked on what the new semester is to bring. I have no other intention but to nerd it up in this mug and make a killing of the year to come. WHATTUP.

I’ve said enough. Check this:

[olu, rian and femi, reppin’ TMP all daaay]

[dear lord, the spirit squad… love em in all their pep and glory]

[eeeey eeyyy! lola bunz, pg, phoenix, tearin’ up the block!]

[phoenix, my cake caregiver! looll]

[PG, gorgeous girl]

[Miss Lola Bunz… can’t believe she’s Femi’s sister! Lav Lav]

[best way to leave an amazing class…]

[ohhhhh the brilliant Kit Knows… ever since the first day I’ve met him, I can’t stop seeing him round the city. hustlaaa.]

[Tim, aka Fundament]

[Orientation Week with TMP]

[Week of Welcome]

For full flickr albums, click HERE and HERE. Stay tuned for Parade N’ Picnic photos…

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