Lovehard presents: Beetle Brit
I would like to officially introduce the world to 1 of 2 of my counterparts, my sister, best friend and life partner for all time: Miss Beetle Brit. Why the “Beetle”? Well… that’s something you’re just going to find out about over time. Every other week Beetle Brit is going to use lovehard as a platform for her to share her new found art and hone in on her raw skills in film and photo. After watching this piece (which, by the way, I had no hand in guidance, it was alllllll her) I recognized right away that something that makes Brit so different from many other videographers’ work I’ve seen is that she has the natural ability to evoke emotion through her selection of imagery, and most especially, her musical choice. I cried a fountain watching this short film and am looking forward to seeing her growth in this new found inspiration.
To my Creatah! from Britney Sirianni on Vimeo.
This is a short film I edited with the footage taken from my late grandfather, filmed in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and later. All on 8track! Wooo!!!! No filters!
Prior to 2010, my mom had an incredibly hard 6 years of life. It lead her to pick up and leave the country…Did I mention she’s 52?!?! Something in me knew this was a bigger deal than what the quick decision to actually do this move said. I had to do something BIG. This was it.
My mom had always taught me to celebrate life. Here and now. I feel that videos similar to this would be viewed at a funeral, but WHY? It was time to celebrate how far my mom had come in life. To show HER the milestones: the simple laughter and ‘NOW‘ moments she had felt and whole-heatedly experienced. It was time for her to reflect on the good.
She took a huge leap in life and her courage inspired me to take my own adventure into the unknown: FILM!Mom, You are…everything.
Song: Boat Song by Miserable Rich
– Beetle Brit
Tweets that mention Lovehard. ยป Lovehard presents: Beetle Brit -- said,
08/05/2010 @ 3:18 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ainsley, Char Loro. Char Loro said: LATEST BLOG POST: Lovehard presents: Beetle Brit […]
Beetle Jenn : Desperately Liberated said,
08/12/2010 @ 4:06 pm
I discover something NEW and FRESH, every single time I play this film. As your mom is SUCH a HUGE part of WHO I am now and WHO I will become, I hold this precious footage soooo close to my heart. When I thought I had her figured out, this short film made me realize that I’m not even close. This compilation of moments in time, made me see that we all have a long and intricate journey that trails us yet leads us. This helps explain and understand the complexities of a person’s ‘story’; no matter how well it is articulated it just cannot be described through the limitations of words. But in all this apparent confusion of ‘what is what’, I have been privileged to receive such clarity (if thats even possible) on where Tamara, Brit, and Ash truly come from. Their Roots. This is beautiful yet so rare in a world where we are so caught up in the “idea” of ourselves. Thank you for this.